
Below are the list of all the available endpoints that are currently provided. Note that the response is in the form of JSON only.

API Reference

Below are R-18 (2018) - Batch only endpoints

HallticketstringRequired: Your Hallticket Number
dobstringRequired: Your Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD)
YearstringRequired: Desired Year and Semester (year,sem)

Get results of all semestes given R18 Regulation batch hallticket number

GET /all-r18/<hallticket>

Get results and student details

GET /<hallticket>/<dob>/<year>

Query parameter specific endpoint.

GET /result?hallticket&dob&year

Endpoint to calculate the sgpa.

GET /calculate/<hallticket>/<dob>/<year>

GET /new/all

GET /new/all/regular

GET /new/all/supply

GET /new/

Returns all the latest released notifications

GET /notifications

HallticketstringRequired: Your Hallticket Number
dobstringRequired: Your Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD)
YearstringRequired: Desired Year and Semester (year,sem)
degreestringRequired: usually : btech
examCodestringRequired: unique exam code
eTypestringRequired: unique eType
typestringRequired: unique type ( eg: intgrade )
resultstringRequired: parameter for old results links

A Query parameter endpoint to get result of an exam given hallticket, date of birth, degree, examCode, eType, type and result.

GET /api

A Query parameter endpoint to get result of an exam given hallticket, date of birth, degree, examCode, eType, type and result with sgpa.

GET /api/calculate

Please navigate through the sidebar for each individual endpoint description and usage